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Bathurst is on track to become a smart community of national significance.
What is a smart community? It’s one where technology and data are used to drive economic activity, meet the changing needs of the community through a digital strategy, accelerate innovation and better manage resources, energy and services.
Download the Smart Community Strategy for the Bathurst Region(PDF, 3MB) .
Smart initiatives being implemented or tested in progress in and around Bathurst:
The CBD CCTV Scheme has installed Closed Circuit Television in the Bathurst Central Business District as part of a broader community safety strategy in the Bathurst Local Government Area.
Bathurst Spatial Digital Twin is a joint collaboration between NSW Spatial Services and Bathurst Regional Council and is the first for a NSW regional Council.
Bathurst Regional Council has installed a Free Public WiFi service across a number of central business district and recreation areas. The service went live in March 2019.
The smart benches and tables are fitted with technology that allows contactless charging of mobile devices by sitting them on the terminal attached to their seat. They also enhance the strength of the free public WiFi signal.
In November 2019 Essential Energy, in partnership with Council, commenced deployment of LED streetlights to replace old and inefficient streetlight technology throughout the Bathurst Local Government Area.
A smart meter is a device that automatically records water use and can report that usage data electronically at regular intervals. This provides instant access for Council staff to data that can highlight any issues or trends to better manage the water network.