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Events make a significant contribution to the goals of Council’s 2040 Community Strategic plan to achieve: Our sense of place and identity; a smart and vibrant economy; environmental stewardship; enable sustainable growth; community health, safety and wellbeing; community leadership and collaboration.
Well managed events are an important part of the development of vibrant and sustainable communities, contributing to our social fabric and local economy.
Bathurst Regional Council has created an Event Guide to help demystify the procedures in successfully planning and implementing a community event.
Download Event Guide(PDF, 1MB)
Looking for an event space? Explore event venues and facilities here.
If you require Council's support, please complete the Preliminary Event Application Form below.
Preliminary Event Application Form
A downloadable version of the form can be found here.
If you would like a database of local vendors you could use at your event you can request a list of local vendors from our team.