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Bathurst Aerodrome is home to a number of aero-related businesses, with over $10 million has been invested in the Bathurst Aerodrome since 2016, ensuring the sustainability of operations into the future.
Bathurst Business Hub is an online business support and investment attraction initiative designed, developed and delivered by Bathurst Regional Council's Economic Development team. This online initiative provides businesses with direct access to information and resources that support them to relocate, start and grow in the Bathurst Region.
What is a smart community? It’s one where technology and data are used to drive economic activity, meet the changing needs of the community through a digital strategy, accelerate innovation and better manage resources, energy and services.
Bathurst Regional Council runs a number of community events each year, and attracts a growing number of people annually. Council is committed to providing family friendly, diverse, and fun events to suit all tastes.
Are you dealing with food as a business, these articles will help you navigate to the information you need to know.
Do you want to use the footpath for advertising or dining, there are things you need to know about using footpaths to comply with Council policies and keep customers safe.
Find out what land is available or coming up for sale or lease in your region.
Make your move to the Bathurst Region and become part of a vibrant economy where business opportunities exist for new and growing businesses.
Bathurst Regional Council has changed the way it advertises Requests for Quotations (RFQs), Requests for Tenders (RFTs) and Expressions of Interest (EOIs) by moving into a fully electronic environment.
Trade waste means all liquid waste produced from a business, commercial or industrial activity other than sewage of a domestic nature (i.e. liquid waste from toilet, hand wash basin, shower and bath wastes). Trade waste dischargers are required to gain approval from Council to discharge the liquid waste into Council's sewerage system.
Legislation requires that all water-cooling towers and warm-water systems installed within the Bathurst Regional Council’s Local Government Area be registered with Council due to the potential health risks of Legionnaires’ Disease.