Keep up to date with everything happening at Council, from projects and major works to news and events. Sign up to our monthly newsletter now. Launching in November.
Do you need to contact Council? If so, save time and use our contact form where you can lodge your enquiry and upload an image or a file if needed. The form will then be distributed to the correct office of Council for action.
There are 128 local government councils in NSW. Each council represents a local government area. 126 councils will be holding elections on Saturday, 14 September 2024 for the election of Councillors. Voting is compulsory at all NSW local government elections.
Council is committed to assisting the community to access government information in accordance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA). Find out how to obtain Council information?
The leadership team is responsible for ensuring everyone has a clear picture of who is accountable for what, the extent of each group's authority, and how the organisation must work together at the highest levels to accomplish common goals.
Whilst Council is sympathetic to a person who has been injured or sustained loss, the fact that an incident has occurred does not automatically mean that Bathurst Regional Council will be liable to provide compensation.