The CBD CCTV scheme installed Closed Circuit Television in the Bathurst Central Business District. The CBD CCTV scheme is part of a broader community safety strategy within the Bathurst Local Government Area.

The CBD CCTV scheme is aimed at the detection and conviction of offenders.  Council recognises that the presence of CCTV can have a deterrent effect on crime and antisocial behaviour within the CBD, whilst contributing to a greater sense of safety in the community. 

The CCTV cameras are not monitored by Bathurst Regional Council but will capture images that can be used to assist Police.  Police may intermittently view live images provided by the CBD CCTV scheme.

A suite of documents underpin the operation of the scheme, including:

CBD CCTV Policy(PDF, 263KB)
CBD CCTV Code of Practice(PDF, 207KB)
CBD CCTV Standard Operating Procedure(PDF, 284KB)

CBD CCTV Memorandum of Understanding between Bathurst Regional Council and Chifley Police District has been agreed.  This is an internal document.

Council also offers an annual CCTV funding program for local businesses to install CCTV on their premises. For information on this project visit.

Where is the CBD network installed?

The map below shows an indicative coverage provided by the camera network.  Download a copy here...(PDF, 200KB)

CBD CCTV frequently asked questions.

Bathurst Regional Council aims to be clear and transparent in all its operations. The FAQ sheet is designed to provide answers to common questions that may be asked regarding the CBD CCTV scheme.


What is CCTV?

CCTV is an abbreviation for Closed Circuit Television. It involves the use of cameras to transmit video footage and images to a central location. It is a common tool used in crime prevention and detection.

The cameras send footage to the Bathurst Police Station where the system can be monitored by the NSW Police Force.  The recorded images are only used and/or disclosed for law enforcement or other lawful purposes.


What is the CBD CCTV Scheme?

The CBD CCTV Scheme project will enable Closed Circuit Television to be installed in the Bathurst Central Business District. The CBD CCTV Scheme is part of a broader community safety strategy within the Bathurst Local Government Area.


Who owns the CBD CCTV Scheme?

Bathurst Regional Council is the owner of the scheme.


How is the CBD CCTV Scheme funded?

Stage 1 of the CBD CCTV Scheme was funded by Bathurst Regional Council.

Stage 2 of the CBD CCTV Scheme was funded by the Australian Government and Bathurst Regional Council. Council received $400,000 from Round 3 of the Safer Communities Fund and Council has invested $250,000 into Stage 2 of the project.

Stage 3 of the CBD CCTV Scheme was funded by the Australian Government with a $250,000 grant through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Programme.


What are the objectives of the Bathurst CBD CCTV Scheme?

To reduce the fear of crime as measured by: 

  • Increased community perception of safety within the CBD

To assist in the apprehension and prosecution of offenders as measured by:

  • Increase in the number of offenders identified
  • Increase in the number of offenders apprehended


Who else is involved in the CBD CCTV Scheme?

Chifley Police District, who are part of the NSW Police Force, are a partner to the scheme.


What is the role of the Chifley Policy District?

A live feed of the images captured by CCTV in the Bathurst CBD will be available at the Bathurst Police Station.


When did CCTV commence in Bathurst?

Stage 1 of the Scheme was commissioned in July 2019. Stage 2 of the Scheme was commissioned in September 2020. Stage 3 of the scheme was commissioned in July 2021.


How were the camera locations selected?

Camera locations were selected through examination of crime “hot spots” in the CBD by Chifley Police District.


How many cameras are being used?

Nine cameras have been installed in Stage One of the scheme. Ten cameras have been installed in Stage 2. Three cameras have been installed in Stage 3.


Where are the cameras installed?

Cameras are located at the following in the following locations:

  • 2– Howick Street 
  • 2 – Corner William & Russell Streets 
  • 1 - Cnr Keppel & Havannah Streets
  • 4 – Machattie Park 
  • 2 - Kings Parade
  • 3 – Keppel Street
  • 1- Bentinck Street 
  • 1 – Court House Lane
  • 1 - William Street
  • 1 - Cnr Piper & William Streets
  • 1 - Cnr George & Howick Streets
  • 1 - north eastern side Bathurst Rail Museum  - Railway Museum carpark area
  • 1 - Cnr Havannah & Lambert Streets
  • 1 - Roundabout Havannah & Rockets Streets


What will be captured by the CCTV Cameras?

CCTV cameras will be operating continuously, 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. The cameras capture any activity that occurs in the field of view of the cameras. The images are used to assist in identifying offenders in an effort to reduce crime, violence, and anti-social behaviour and increase the perception of safety in our community.


When are the CCTV cameras live?

The CCTV cameras record continuously – 24 hours, 7 day a week.


How does the system work?

Video images are transmitted from the cameras in the CBD to recording equipment housed in the Bathurst Police Station. Images are presented on a computer monitor housed in the Police Station.


How will the CCTV footage be used?

The CBD CCTV Code of Practice and CBD CCTV Standard Operating Procedure detail the circumstances where the images captured by CCTV will be held and released. Generally, the images will only be released to the Police, for the purpose of legal proceedings, or where Bathurst Regional Council is required to release the images by law.


How long will the CCTV footage be kept for?

CCTV footage will be held for a maximum of 30 days. The footage will then be destroyed.


Will there be signage where the cameras are located?

Yes. Signage will be placed throughout the area covered by CCTV to notify people that images of them may be captured by the cameras.


Are there rules to govern the operation of CCTV cameras?

The CBD CCTV Code of Practice and CBD CCTV Standard Operating Procedure governs the operation of the CBD CCTV Scheme by Bathurst Regional Council. These documents have incorporated the recommendations contained in the NSW Government Policy Statement and Guidelines for the Establishment and Implementation of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) in Public Places. Further protection regarding an individual’s privacy is provided by the NSW Privacy Act.


How is my privacy protected?

Information captured by CCTV is protected by the Information Protection Principals contained in the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW Privacy Act), and the Bathurst Regional Council CBD CCTV Code of Practice and CBD CCTV Standard Operating Procedure. Access to the images captured by CCTV is limited to specific authorised Council Officers. Chifley Police District is provided with a live feed of CCTV in the Bathurst CBD, however a recording of any images that may be needed for an investigation is required to be applied for through a formal application process.


What if I want to make a comment, query or complaint abouth the CBD CCTV Scheme?

Comments, queries or complaints may be sent in writing to:

Bathurst Regional Council
Private Mail Bag 17

Or emailed to: COUNCIL

Any enquiries in regard to the CBD CCTV scheme should be directed to Bathurst Regional Council on (02) 6333 6111.