Environmental Projects

Hawthornden Creek Jaques Park Environmental Rehabilitation

Over the last ten years, significant environmental rehabilitation works along Hawthornden Creek have been undertaken by Council including activities in the section of the creek transecting Jaques Park South Bathurst.

Works have involved the removal of riparian weed species such as Poplars, Willow, and Blackberry, which comply with those responsibilities that Council have under the Biosecurity Act NSW (2015) and under the Central Tablelands Regional Strategic Weed Management Plan 2017-2022.

Council has progressively been rehabilitating the riparian vegetation zone along Hawthornden Creek Jaques Park and achieved a major transformation from what was once a highly degraded site dominated by invasive riparian weeds, and devoid of natural vegetation and in stream channel diversity.

The rehabilitation works at Jaques Park are a recommendation of the Bathurst Region Vegetation Management Plan, adopted by Council in 2019, and the Bathurst Urban Waterways Management Plan. The plans recommend removing riparian weeds and replanting the riparian vegetation zone with locally occurring native species.

The most recent staged environmental rehabilitation works that have been programmed by Council for Hawthornden Creek Jaques Park commenced in April 2020 with the removal of six mature poplar trees from within the riparian vegetation zone of the creek.

The removal of two remaining poplars located within the riparian section of the creek was followed by a Community Tree Planting Day in October 2020. A range of native trees, shrubs, rushes and grasses were planted along the creek including River Sheoak, Yellow Box, Silver Wattle, River Bottlebrush, Swamp Tea-tree and native grasses. Plants that have been chosen are local to the Bathurst region and will continue to provide important habitat for the local fauna and stabilise the bank to reduce erosion. More Community and School Tree Planting Days are scheduled for Spring 2021 and Autumn 2022.

Community and student volunteers have been heavily involved in this ongoing project since 2010, helping to revegetate Hawthornden Creek at Jaques Park through scheduled community and school tree planting days whilst also learning about the benefits of riparian habitat rehabilitation.

Council is excited that further opportunity will be provided for the community to participate in the continuation of the Hawthornden Creek Jaques Park Environmental Rehabilitation Project.

Jaques Park

Hillview Estate Reserve Napoleon Reef Ecological Burn Program

A firefighter wearing hi viz yellow clothing gently lights the grasses and shrubs on the ground with the sun streaming through the smoke and trees behind. Image by Gerarda Mader.


Nestled 16km east of Bathurst, Hillview Estate Reserve at Napoleon Reef stands as a testament to the delicate balance between nature and human intervention. Comprising 6.3 hectares of Brittle Gum – Broad-leaved Peppermint - Red Stringybark Open Forest vegetation, the reserve faced challenges stemming from a lack of prescribed burns, which led to the encroachment of invasive species and heightened bushfire risks.

In 2017, the Napoleon Reef Landcare Group took the initiative to propose an ecological prescribed burn approach for the reserve to Bathurst Regional Council, the reserve's land manager. The objective was clear: lets enhance native ground cover, biodiversity and ecosystem integrity. While neighbouring properties underwent prescribed burns for fuel management, the reserve itself had not witnessed controlled burns, contributing to the proliferation of invasive species, particularly blackberry, and the decline of native marsupials due to the presence of European rabbits and red foxes.

The Hillview Estate Reserve Ecological Burn Program was integrated into the Bathurst Region Vegetation Management Plan (2019), aligning with the broader community goal outlined in the Bathurst 2040 Community Strategic Plan to protect and improve regional biodiversity. The specific objectives of the project included minimising potential bushfire impacts, managing fire regimes to enhance biodiversity, reducing invasive plant species, promoting native species germination, and mitigating fuel loads.

Engaging Eco Logical Australia, Bathurst Regional Council developed the Hillview Estate Reserve Ecological Burn Plan to guide the process. The plan addressed fire prescriptions, techniques, and safeguards to ensure compliance with NSW Rural Fire Service requirements while protecting local ecological and cultural values.

Implementation began by dividing the reserve into four burn units. Burn Unit 1 underwent an ecological prescribed burn in May 2021, following a flora survey and photo point monitoring in November 2020. The operational plan involved collaboration with local stakeholders, including Wiradjuri Elders to safeguard Aboriginal cultural heritage values. Skillset Landworks was contracted for preparation, and despite challenges, the ecological burn was executed successfully.

Achieving the project's objectives required a collaborative effort, with 403 volunteer hours contributed by 85 individuals from various organisations, including Bathurst Regional Council, Napoleon Reef Landcare Group, and NSW Rural Fire Service. The success of the ecological burn exemplifies effective cooperation between local government, government agencies, and the community.

Post-burn observations indicate positive outcomes, with native groundcovers responding well to the ecological burn. The anticipated mass germination of native seeds is expected to follow, providing a foundation for long-term biodiversity. While weed growth is anticipated, the Hillview Estate Reserve Ecological Burn Plan recommends a cautious approach through the use of bush regeneration techniques.

Looking ahead, the implementation of low-intensity burns at recommended intervals will create a mosaic effect, promoting biodiversity and protecting ecological and cultural values. The ecological prescribed burn has not only reduced bushfire-related impacts but also enhanced the reserve's resilience to adverse weather conditions, safeguarding homes, cultural values and conservation areas.

In essence, the Hillview Estate Reserve Ecological Burn Project stands as a shining example of community-driven environmental stewardship, where the careful use of prescribed burns has not only restored biodiversity but also strengthened the bonds between local stakeholders committed to preserving the natural beauty of this much-loved reserved.

Hillview Estate Reserve Ecological Burn

A low intensity burn is proposed at Hillview Estate Reserve at Napoleon Reef on Sunday 26 May, subject to operational programming and weather conditions.

This will consist of the controlled burning of vegetation to improve the diversity of flora in this reserve. The burn will also reduce bushfire fuel and assist in reducing the intensity and adverse impact of bushfires in extreme weather conditions.

There is potential for smoke to impact surrounding residents and roads. A letterbox drop will be conducted to notify surrounding residents of measures to prepare their properties.

The burn will be conducted by the NSW Rural Fire Service Glanmire-Walang Brigade. For more information, call 6333 6111.


Peppers Creek Rockley Environmental Rehabilitation Project

Peppers Creek Rockley recently underwent a major environmental rehabilitation project which saw the removal of invasive riparian weeds species and the planting of 740 locally grown native trees, shrubs and rushes along its banks. Located at the entrance to the Rockley Sports Ground off Budden Street, the aim of the project is to reduce the presence of invasive riparian weeds such as willow, poplar and elm using best practice methods, improve habitat for native wildlife such as resident platypuses and birdlife, and to beautify and improve the health of this much loved creek.

In March 2020, a qualified environmental conservation contractor was engaged to plant a range of native trees, shrubs, and rushes along the creek including Ribbon Gums (Eucalyptus viminalis), Silver Wattle (Acacia dealbata), River Bottlebrush (Callistemon sieberi), and Mat-rushes (Lomandra longifolia). Plants that were chosen for this project are local to Rockley and will provide habitat for the local fauna and stabilise the bank to reduce erosion. To ensure the survival of these plantings particularly during drought, the plants were mulched and will continue to be watered and weeded until they have successfully established.

Prior to the start of revegetation works in March 2020, a qualified arborist contractor removed a number of elm, willow and poplar trees from along the riparian corridor of the creek. The reason for their removal is that unlike most native vegetation, invasive tree species such as poplars and willows, form thickets which divert water outside the main watercourse or channel, causing flooding and erosion where the creek banks are vulnerable. Poplars and willows are also responsible for reducing water quality through the deposit of large amounts of organic material in the form of leaves during autumn. The large load of organic material, combined with rapid breakdown by microbes, results in an excessive release of nutrients into a waterway, leading to poor water quality and eutrophication.

The project is a recommendation of the Bathurst Region Vegetation Management Plan (VMP) which was adopted by Council in 2019. As part of this plan, Peppers Creek was identified as in poor condition due to clearing in the catchment, loss of native riparian vegetation, and invasive riparian weeds such as willows, poplars and elms. The plan recommends the restoration of the riparian vegetation zone along Peppers Creek to improve water quality and amenity.


Peppers Creek Rockley

Peppers Creek Rockley

Perthville Black Gum (Eucalyptus aggregata) Offset Project

Important civil works that protect our communities from natural disasters, such as floods, can potentially impact on the conservation values of our native flora and fauna. At Perthville, the recent construction of the Perthville Floodwater Mitigation Works in 2017 required the removal of four mature Black Gums (Eucalyptus aggregata) from along the banks of Queen Charlotte Vale Creek. In NSW, Black Gums are identified as a threatened species under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (NSW).

To compensate for or ‘offset’ the removal of this threatened species, 144 genetically pure Black Gums have been replanted at the North Street Offset Site where they will be maintained and monitored until they reach maturity in around 20 years. 

The site will also have a special ‘in-perpetuity conservation agreement’ ensuring the ongoing protection of the site by future landholders. These offset actions will provide a positive long-term environmental outcome for the Black Gum population ensuring it's survival in Perthville and throughout the Bathurst Region.

What’s in a name?

The Black Gum is a small to medium-sized woodland tree growing to only 18 metres in height. The bark on its trunk and main branches is flaky and fibrous and is a dark greyish-black in colour hence its name.

It’s juvenile leaves are narrow or oval-shaped (4-7cm long) and dull green in colour, whilst it’s adult leaves grow much longer (5-12cm long), are slightly curved, and are glossy dark green in colour. Black Gums flower from Spring through to Autumn, with small white or cream blooms in clusters of seven. Once these flower buds mature they develop fruit or gumnuts that hold its seeds.

Wherefore art thou Black Gums

Black Gums are found in the NSW Central and Southern Tablelands with isolated populations in Victoria and the ACT. Black Gums have a moderately narrow distribution, occurring mainly in the wetter, cooler and higher parts of the tablelands such as here in the Bathurst region.

Often growing with other cold-adapted eucalypts such as Ribbon Gum (Eucalyptus viminalis), Swamp Gum (Eucalyptus ovata) and Snow Gum (Eucalyptus pauciflora) with a grassy understorey of River Tussock (Poa labillardieri), Black Gums provide important habitat for native bird species, and tree dwelling (arboreal) reptiles and marsupials such as goannas and sugar gliders.

Black Gums

Image: Black Gums (Eucalyptus aggregata) Rainer Rehwinkel NSW DPIE©

Why are they threatened?

The Black Gum is listed as vulnerable under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (NSW) and Environmental Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) due to a number of key threatening processes. Land clearing for agriculture and urban expansion can greatly impact on the species by reducing its range whilst competition with weed species such as Blackberry (Rubus spp.), Phalaris (Phalaris aquatica), Cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata), Willow (Salix spp.) and Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) can reduce its recruitment in those first few years of life. In small communities such as those present in our region, hybridisation with related species such as Ribbon Gum (Eucalyptus viminalis) and Snow Gum (Eucalyptus pauciflora) can lower genetic fitness of the Black Gum which increases their risk of extinction.

Black Gums Perthville.jpg

Image: Black Gums (Eucalyptus aggregata) at the Perthville Black Gum Offset Site in August 2022 BRC©

Precious Seeds

Genetic studies by scientists have shown that small remnant patches of Black Gums are showing a high rate of hybridisation with other Eucalyptus species which can be detrimental to the health and vigor of Black Gum offspring. Identified as genetically pure by scientists at the National Herbarium of New South Wales, seed stock from the four Black Gums removed in 2017 were chosen for propagation by a specialised local nursery for planting at the North Street Offset Site.

Black Gum Fruit and Seeds

Image: Gumnut and seeds from the original four mature Black Gums at Perthville BRC©

From little things big things grow

The ensure the survival of the 144 Black Gum's planted at the North Street Offset Site, Council has developed an Offset Management Plan (OMP) in response to the Perthville Floodwater Mitigation Works Species Impact Statement. The OMP outlines the immediate, mid term and long term offset goals for the project including tree planting design, the ongoing maintenance activities (watering, weed control and grazing management), access control and proposed replacement strategies for loss of seedlings. 

As part of the OMP, an annual monitoring program over 20 years has also been developed to record tree survival rates and overall tree health. You can follow the growth of these incredible Black Gums by checking out the annual monitoring reports from 2021(PDF, 1MB)  and 2022(PDF, 2MB) .

Where can I find more information?

To learn more about the Black Gum and the important work that is being done to save this species from extinction visit the NSW Government's Saving Our Species Black Gum profile.




Queen Charlotte's Vale Creek Royal Rehabilitation Treatment Project

The ‘Queen Charlotte's Vale Creek Royal Rehabilitation Treatment Project’ was completed in May 2023, with the final stages of the contractor revegetation maintenance works being carried out along this important urban water and tributary of the Macquarie Wambuul River. The NSW Environmental Trust-funded project has seen the installation of over 900m of wildlife friendly rural fencing along the South Bathurst and Gormans Hill sides of Queen Charlotte's Vale Creek, significant weed control works across 1.5 hectares targeting invasive riparian species such as Willow, Blackberry, Poplar and African Boxthorn, and the planting of 2,500 native tree, shrubs and groundcovers. 

The environmental rehabilitation project, which commenced in March 2020, aims to establish native riparian vegetation along 700m of Queen Charlotte Vale Creek by undertaking woody and herbaceous weed control, the installation of wildlife friendly rural fencing, and the planting of locally occurring native trees, shrubs and grasses.

The first stage of the project saw the installation of over 900m of wildlife friendly rural fencing along the South Bathurst and Gorman Hill sides of Queen Charlotte's Vale Creek. The fencing will play an important role in reducing the impacts of grazing livestock on riparian vegetation condition, aquatic habitat, and creek bank stability. The use of wildlife friendly rural fencing will also allow for local wildlife such as kangaroos, wallabies, bats and owls to be able to move through the site safely without being entangled in barbed wire which can often lead to injury or sadly death.

Queen Charlottes Vale CreekQueen Charlottes Vale Creek


From October through to April, extensive woody weed control works have undertaken along the creek with a focus on invasive riparian species including Willow, Blackberry, Poplar and African Boxthorn.

Due to the sensitive nature of the site and its location 1km upstream from the junction with the Wambuul Macquarie River, best practice methods for weed control along waterways has been used with cut stump application and stem injection methods being applied to woody weeds, and mature poplars being retained until such time that the revegetation has matured ensuring creek bank stability and providing temporary habitat for native wildlife including a resident breeding pair on Nankeen Kestral (Falco cenchroides) and Sacred Kingfisher (Todiramphus sanctus).

Queen Charlottes Vale Creek Post Weed Control Queen Charlottes Vale Creek Post Weed Control


As part of the community and schools engagement for this project, 323 community and school volunteers have helped to plant 1,300 native trees, shrubs and grasses along the banks of Queen Charlotte's Vale Creek contributing close to 700 volunteer hours to the project. The project has seen a further 1,500 native trees, shrubs and grasses planted by a local environmental conservation contratcor across 1.5 hectares or 900m of Queen Charlotte's Vale Creek.Once mature this native riparian (waterway) vegetation will provide important habitat for local wildlife increasing biodiversity and improving the health of this important urban waterway.

Queen Charlottes Vale Creek

To learn more about the project download the Queen Charlotte Vale Creek Royal Rehabilitation Treatment Project Factsheet(PDF, 3MB).

The Queen Charlotte Vale Creek Royal Rehabilitation Treatment Project is proudly supported by the NSW Government's Environmental Trust and Bathurst Regional Council.

Bathurst Regional Council NSW Environmental Trust

Racing to Save the Mount Panorama Woodlands

Bathurst Regional Council received grant funding from the NSW Environmental Trust through their Restoration and Rehabilitation program to carry out a three year project titled “Racing to Save the Mount Panorama Woodlands”. 

This project focused on improving the quality and extent of Box, Gum, Grassy Woodland – a State and Federally listed Endangered Ecological Community – on the slopes and foothills of Mount Panorama.


Mount Panorama Woodlands

Mount Panorama Woodlands, photo by Chris Macullough

Specifically, the project focused on the rehabilitation of the following four sites:

  • Blayney Road Common
  • Boundary Road Reserve
  • Albens Reserve
  • The roadside reserves on Boundary and Hinton Roads. 

Works included the development of management plans, weed control, fox and rabbit control, erosion control and prevention as well as habitat restoration.

Additionally, this project featured a large public education campaign to increase awareness of the Endangered Ecological Community that exists in the Bathurst region and to prevent the dumping of green waste and spread of weeds, the illegal collection of firewood and the control of cats and dogs in bushland areas.

The total area of managed, connected Box, Gum, Grassy Woodland in the Mount Panorama precinct increased through active management of the sites adjoining the Boundary Road Reserve as listed above.  Council worked closely with the Boundary Road Reserve Landcare Group who have been active managers of the Boundary Road Reserve for more than 15 years.



Rehabilitation of the Macquarie River Riparian Corridor Project

In 2018, Bathurst Regional Council was successful in receiving funding from the NSW State Governments Environmental Trust for the project titled ‘Rehabilitation of the Macquarie River Riparian Corridor’. To be completed over a three-year period, the project aims to rehabilitate and improve riparian vegetation condition along 1km of the Macquarie Wambuul River to connect previously completed riparian rehabilitation projects and existing habitat areas.

By connecting these important areas, the project will significantly increase the extent of habitat along the river for a wide range of native species such as the Grey-headed Flying Fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) and Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus). In doing so, the project will assist in addressing key threats to the recovery of listed endangered species such as the Boorolong Frog (Litoria booroolongensis) and the Murray Cod (Maccullochella peelii).

Macquarie River Project Platypus Macquarie River Project Flying Fox

Through involvement and education, the project aims to create a greater awareness within the community of the benefits of riparian habitat rehabilitation, river health, and build appreciation and stewardship of the Macquarie Wambuul River.

What is the environmental problem?

The Macquarie Wambuul River has been largely impacted by the loss of important vegetation and infestation of highly invasive weeds within its riparian zone. The riparian zone describes the area of vegetation including trees, shrubs and grasses that grow along the banks of a waterbody. Native riparian vegetation provides habitat and food for fish and other aquatic fauna by dropping fruit, leaves and branches into the water.

Overhanging trees and vegetation also shade the river which keeps water temperatures down. Deep-rooted vegetation helps to hold soil in place, reduces erosion, filters out pollutants and keeps excess sediments from entering the waterway. When the riparian zone is cleared of vegetation the banks are more vulnerable to erosion. The sediment from erosion then washes into the water and smothers aquatic plants and fauna and fills in refuge holes and other habitat.

Weeds in the riparian zone are often highly invasive and outcompete native plants. For instance, when willows dominate the river, they provide heavy shade which inhibits the growth of understory plants. Willows also drop all their leaves in Autumn which reduces water quality and does not provide a year-round food source for aquatic fauna.

What will the project aim to achieve?

The project will reduce the impacts of introduced weed species through a control program. This will be achieved by targeting exotic woody and herbaceous weeds such as willows, poplars and blackberry that are currently competing with native species.

Controlled weeds will then be replaced with a range of local riparian trees, shrubs and grasses. Planting naturally occur species from the Bathurst region is best as they are well adapted to the local soils, conditions and are more likely to benefit the local fauna. Fast growing species will also be planted as they provide quick coverage of the planting area to outcompete weeds and protect the riverbank. These works will significantly increase the extent of habitat along the Macquarie Wambuul River for a wide range of native fauna species, improve river health and reduce erosion.

How can we get involved?

Join Council's Community Environmental Engagement Officer at any one of Council's community tree planting days and revegetation maintenance days. Give as much or as little time as you can spare - it all makes a difference in helping to rehabilitate the Macquarie Wambuul River. Visit Council's Conservation Volunteering & Tree Planting page for further details.

Are you after more information?

If you are looking to revegetate your own section of the river, a 'how to' guide has been developed for the Macquarie Wambul River in Bathurst. Download a copy of the guide(PDF, 1MB)Download the 'Rehabilitation of the Macquarie River Riparian Corridor' Factsheet.(PDF, 769KB)

Macquarie River Project Tree Planting Macquarie River Project Tree Planting

The Rehabilitation of the Macquarie River Riparian Corridor Project is proudly supported by the NSW Government's Environment Trust and Bathurst Regional Council.

Bathurst Regional Council NSW Environmental Trust

Restoring Regent Honeyeater Habitat in the Bathurst Region

Bathurst Regional Council has been successful in receiving funding from the NSW Environmental Trust for a project titled "Restoring Regent Honeyeater Habitat in the Bathurst Region".

The Regent Honeyeater is listed as critically endangered under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995 with estimates of remaining numbers being between 800 and 2,000 birds. The major threat to this bird is the loss of habitat, particularly in open woodland and riparian casuarina forests.

Casuarina Gallery Forest once dominated the banks of the Macquarie River in Bathurst providing habitat for a range of native animals. By 1902 most of these forests had been cleared resulting in destabilisation of the river banks, active erosion and invasion of weeds. In the following decades, Exotic tree species such as willows eventually dominated the river systems to the detriment of native fauna that rely on native forests for their survival.

Council's restoration project will be conducted over three years and will involve weed control, willow removal and planting of a selection of local provenance plant species that are known to be associated with the critically endangered Regent Honeyeater. Works will be based along 1,000 metres of the Macquarie River in the area upstream of Rankens Bridge (Eglinton Bridge).

In addition, the adjoining O'Keefe Park will be planted out with selected local provenance plant species that will, once mature, be used to establish a seed collection area. The seed production area will comprise of a range of plants for both Casuarina Gallery Forest and Box, Gum Grassy Woodland restoration works. When the plants have matured, the seed will be made available for collection and use by local environmental groups as well as for future Council revegetation projects.

The main feature of the seed production area will be a planting of 360 Eucalyptus trees in O'Keefe Park in a grid pattern, making the planting both visually spectacular and easy to maintain.

Regent Honeyeaters feed on the nectar of a range of flowers from Casuarina Gallery Forest and Box, Gum Grassy Woodlands as well as lerps, honeydew and insects. With one of three remaining key breeding sites in the Capertee Valley being less than 50km from Bathurst, it is considered that this habitat replacement project is being undertaken in an ideal location.

Council will be working with Conservation Volunteers to engage community members to become involved in this important project. Community Planting Days will be held in 2016 with volunteers invited to plant a range of native plants to restore Regent Honeyeater Habitat.

Residents and visitors can also get involved in this project by contacting Council's Community Environmental Engagement Officer, Bill Josh on 0407 256 791 who will be regularly working at this site over the coming years.


Regent Honeyeater, image courtesy of Dean Ingwersen


Wambuul Macquarie River Bathurst Flying Fox Camp Habitat Restoration Project

In 2022, Bathurst Regional Council was successful in securing funding through the Local Government NSW Flying-Fox Camp Habitat Restoration Program. The grant of $264,650 will help fund the environmental restoration of 700m of flying-fox or budharu (the Wiradjuri word for flying-fox) habitat along the Wambuul Macquarie River in Bathurst. The project site is an area of high conservation value as it is a seasonal camp for the Little-red Flying-fox (Pteropus scapulatus) and the threatened Grey-headed Flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus).

Grey Headed Flying Fox by DJM Photography Australia

To continue important flying-fox habitat restoration works already undertaken at the site since 2018, best practice weed control works and vegetation restoration activities commenced along the river in late 2022. The focus is on invasive and riparian dominant species including willow, blackberry, poplar and elm, to improve the health and structural complexity of the native riparian vegetation and flying-fox habitat. Revegetation works commenced in October 2023, and will see the planting of 3,500 riparian dominant and roosting specific species including She-oak and Ribbon Gum by community and school volunteers, and local environmental conservation contractors.

Community education and engagement will also play a big part in the success of the project with Council-hosted community and school's tree plantings days, flying-fox information evenings in Machattie Park, interpretative signage at the project site and digital media that focuses on raising awareness of flying-foxes within the community.

Loss of roosting habitat has been identified as one of several key threats to flying-foxes with camp vegetation along the Wambuul Macquarie River due to historical patterns of clearing and degradation. These practices may have led to flying-foxes establishing a camp in the heritage-listed Machattie Park in 2018.

The project site along the Wambuul Macquarie River is identified as having a high habitat suitability rating for flying foxes and is a non-contentious flying fox habitat site as per the Machattie Park & Kings Parade Camp Management Plan 2018. The plan also sets out actions for the restoration of flying-fox roosting habitat at this site. 

Join us on Sunday 28 April 2024 for our Community Tree Planting Day and lend a hand to help plant native plants for flying-fox habitat along the banks of the Macquarie Wambuul River.
Commencing at 10 am off Morrisset Street and Zante Lane, downstream of the Wastewater Treatment Plant, the event welcomes adults and kids alike to participate in planting native trees, shrubs, and grasses. The plantings will not only improve the health and function of this much-loved river but will help restore critical roosting habitat for the Little Red Flying-fox and threatened Grey-headed Flying-fox - seasonal visitors to our region!
After the planting activities, Bathurst Regional Council will host a free BBQ lunch for all participants.
No experience is needed, and we will provide all the necessary plants and equipment. Remember to bring your own water, sunscreen, hat, suitable shoes, and outdoor clothing. To ensure safe hygiene practices, we kindly ask you to bring your own gardening gloves, while hand washing facilities will be provided by the council. And don't worry about a little rain—this event will proceed even in light showers. Just remember to bring a raincoat if needed.
Parking for vehicles is available at the Zante Lane end of the Wastewater Treatment Plant service lane accessed via Morrisset Street. Four-wheel drive (4WD) vehicles to the planting site is ONLY permissible for volunteers with a disability.
For more information contact Councils Community Environmental Engagement Programs Officer Bill Josh (Habitat Connect) on 0407 256 791 or Councils Environmental Programs Coordinator Kristie Kearney on 02 6333 6233.
The Wambuul Macquarie River Bathurst Flying-fox Camp Habitat Restoration Project is part of the Flying-fox Habitat Restoration Program assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Environmental Trust in association with Local Government NSW, and Bathurst Regional Council.


Dark text on white background on the left and a grey and orange fluffy grey-headed flying-fox is flying amongst the trees

What can we say - wow! A big thank you to all that joined us on Friday 15 March 2024 for Bat Night @ Kings Parade as part of the Wambuul Macquarie River Bathurst Flying-fox Camp Habitat Restoration Project and for bringing the beautiful Wiradjuri philosophy of Yindyamarra to the event!
The evening was warmly opened by Bathurst Regional Council Mayor Jess Jennings, with our flying-fox mascots Batty and Bruce from Eaton Gorge Theatre Company energising the crowd with its version of Bat Survivor Australia. It was a fun and interactive way for those that came along to the event to learn about some of the threats and obstacles that flying-foxes face and how we can help protect them.
Batty and Bruce’s performance was followed by one of Australia’s leading flying-fox experts Dr Peggy Eby from the University of New South Wales Centre for Ecosystem Science. Peggy’s fascinating and engaging talk explored the secrets of flying-fox behaviour from where they feed and when they migrate, to the impacts of extreme heat and food shortages. Her talk also focused on understanding how wildlife adapts to our changing world and the capacity of habitat restoration programs to lessen the impacts of habitat loss.
Peggy’s decades of research and fascination for flying-foxes was evident through her incredible breadth of knowledge which we were so fortunate to experience.
The talk was followed by a wildlife walk with Peggy, WIRES Central West Flying-Fox Rescue Coordinator Pamela Drury and Bathurst Regional Council staff of the Machattie Park Flying-fox Camp from George Street with the evening capped off by the beauty of thousands of flying-foxes flying-out at dusk. Talk about a wow moment!
Bathurst Regional Council is incredibly grateful to Dr Peggy Eby - University of New South Wales School of Ecosystem Science, and Pamela Drury from WIRES Central West for their time and sharing their incredible depth of knowledge and passion for flying-fox conservation with us. And of course Batty and Bruce (aka Juliet and Ian) from Eaton Gorge Theatre Company for bringing so much fun and joy to the event. We can’t thank you all enough!
The Wambuul Macquarie River Bathurst Flying-fox Camp Habitat Restoration Project is part of the Flying-fox Habitat Restoration Program assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Environmental Trust in association with Local Government NSW and Bathurst Regional Council.


People standing around and seated under large trees watching two performers in orange, grey and black coloured flying-fox costumes Guest speaker Dr Peggy Eby has shoulder-length ash-coloured hair and is wearing a grey jacket and dark coloured pants as she is talking to the crowd. Performers Bruce and Batty are dressed as flying-foxes with their fluffy orange, grey and black constumes wings stretched out. People are standing around on gravel under tall trees looking in the direction of a speaker.

The Wambuul Macquarie River Bathurst Flying-fox Camp Habitat Restoration Project is part of the Flying-fox Habitat Restoration Program assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Environmental Trust in association with Local Government NSW, and Bathurst Regional Council.

Local Government NSW NSW Environmental Trust Bathurst Regional Council