Open Burning Approvals

Bathurst Regional Council regulates open burning outside of the Fire Danger Period. If wishing to burn within the Fire Danger Period, usually 1 October to 31 March, contact the Rural Fire Service on 1300 258 737 for a 'Permit to Burn'.

What is open burning?

Open burning is the burning of any permitted material in the open outside of a physical container such as a fireplace, stove or metal drum.

Why does open burning need approval?

Smoke from fires can impact people in several ways. Smoke increases the risk of asthma attacks and respiratory illness and can also create a nuisance for nearby neighbours and traffic. If fires are burned in unsuitable locations, they can also result in erosion or impact water quality.

#Note: Small, easily controlled fires (<1m by 1m) are allowed on any private property as long as there are no impacts to neighbours or general air quality.

Council Restrictions

If your property is within village or city boundaries or is less than 10 hectares in size, please contact Council to discuss whether you need approval to burn. Refer to the flow chart for further information. Note the listed items which cannot be burnt in an open fire.

For all burns, notification to the Rural Fire Service (Ph: 1300 258 737) and all adjoining landowners/occupiers is legally required at least 24 hours prior to burning.

How to get an approval?

If you have determined that you may need a Council Open Burn Approval, contact Bathurst Regional Council on 6333 6511 or visit the Environmental Planning & Building Services Department, Civic Centre, 158 Russell Street Bathurst.

Information you need to supply Council includes:

  1. Owner of the property and the person conducting the burn
  2. Address and size of the property
  3. Source and type of materials to be burnt
  4. Size of the total material/pile to be burnt
  5. Location of the burn on the property

#Tip: consider how the smoke will affect your neighbours and try to maximise the distance between your open burn and the neighbouring buildings and public roads.

Council may need to arrange a site inspection before issuing an approval. You will be provided with a copy of the approval once approved. Contact Bathurst Regional Council on 6333 6511 for further information.

RFS Contact details

Chifley Zone Rural Fire Service Fire Control Centre on 1300 258 737

Information Sheets

Open Burning Policy, Bathurst Regional Council
Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulation 2010, NSW Legislation
Before you light that fire, NSW Rural Fire Service
Standards for pile burning, NSW Rural Fire Service