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Bathurst Regional Council delivers a broad range of services and facilities across the Bathurst local government area (LGA), servicing a population of 44,000, and more than 1,000,000 visitors annually.As the level of government closest to the community, what we do is diverse.
Learn the protocols in place that recognise and pay respect to the Aboriginal Community.
Arts and culture promotes creative activities to improve community wellbeing, quality of life and engagement.
Bathurst Regional Council welcomes cultural diversity proudly suppprting residents from all over the world.
Digital infrastructure to help local government understand local areas and deliver services more effectively.
Living more sustainably and caring for the environment at work, at home and when you travel adds substantial value to the world we live in.
Let's preserve our history and heritage for future generations.
Bathurst Regional Council encourages economic and cultural benefits from our Sister City and International relationships.
Use population and economic profiling to better understand the population characteristics in the Bathurst Region.