Council Meetings

Council holds one Ordinary Council meeting each month. A schedule of upcoming meeting dates are listed in our events calendar.

Streaming of Council Meetings

All Council meetings (except confidential sessions of the meetings) are recorded and are available from Council’s YouTube channel. Council’s YouTube Channel Recordings of meetings are considered 'Government Information' and Council will retain the information for a period of at least one year and may be disposed of in accordance with State Records Act 1998. Click here for more information on Live Streaming....(PDF, 145KB)

Attending a Council Meeting

Members of the public are invited to attend all Ordinary Council Meetings, Policy Committee Meetings. Some Committee Meetings (subject to the right of Council and Committees, pursuant to Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993) are able to resolve to exclude the public during consideration of a particular item or items on the business paper.

Addressing Council – Public Forum

Council is currently trialling two public forums per month, allowing members of the public to address Council at the commencement of each Policy and Ordinary Meeting. 

At Public Forums prior to Policy Meetings the public may raise matters on any topic with Council. Public Forums prior to Ordinary Meetings are limited to agenda items only. 

Upcoming Meetings

A summary of 2024 Council meeting dates is below. All Council meetings are held in Council’s Civic Centre, 158 Russell Street, Bathurst.

Ordinary - 19 June 2024 6.00pm
Policy - 3 July 2024 6.00pm
Ordinary - 17 July 2024 6.00pm
Policy - 7 August 2024 6.00pm
Ordinary - 21 August 2024 6.00pm
Extra-Ordinary - 9 October 2024 6.00pm
Ordinary - 16 October 2024 6.00pm
Policy - 6 November 2024 6.00pm
Ordinary - 20 November 2024 6.00pm
Policy - 4 December 2024 6.00pm
Ordinary - 11 December 2024 6.00pm

Business Papers

Council provides access to the reports presented to Council, at Ordinary, Extraordinary and Policy Committee Meetings, except for Confidential items. Business papers are released the Friday prior to the Council meeting.

To view electronic copies of Council Business Papers and Minutes from March 2024 to current visit Minutes and Agendas

Previous Business Papers

Business Papers and Minutes from January 2010 - February 2024 visit Council Business Papers and Minutes.

Business Papers and Minutes up to December 2009 visit Council Business Papers and Minutes Previous.

Note: If you are having difficulty opening attachments for the business paper or minutes using a tablet, iPad or phone hold pdf icon down until a menu appears then open pdf in new tab.