Community Plan
Our Region Our Future – Bathurst Community Strategic Plan
Our Region Our Future is the fourth iteration of the Community Strategic Plan for the Bathurst region. It outlines the community’s aspirations and long-term vision for the Bathurst region. It is based on collaboration between all levels of government, local agencies, community groups, residents and visitors of the region. It is our plan for the long-term which will be used to guide shorter-term planning and actions.
This plan is a community plan. It is prepared by Council in collaboration with, and on behalf of residents, other levels of government and agencies. Responsibility for meeting the long-term community vision and desired outcomes rests with everyone.
When the plan makes reference to ‘we’, it refers to the collective Bathurst Regional community including Council, government agencies and other organisations, as well as its residents.
Our Region Our Future - Bathurst Community Strategic Plan(PDF, 6MB)
Council actively encourages community participation in our governance and decision making processes. In fact, it is the essential ingredient successful decision making. The Community Engagement Strategy has been developed to guide the ongoing dialogue between Council and the community as we plan for our future. An informed and involved community is one of the key objectives outlined in Council's Community Strategic Plan, Council is committed to having open, honest, respectful and truthful communication with the community and encourages the community to do the same. The community has told Council that the community should be involved in the development of the city and decision making. This Strategy aims to increase levels of engagement in a way that the community expects.
Community Engagement Strategy
As part of our commitment to the Integrated Planning process, Bathurst Regional Council has reviewed and adopted our Community Engagement Strategy(PDF, 5MB) on 19 February 2025. This document provides a framework to support the development of our key strategies, particularly our Community Strategic Plan, which is our shared vision for the future of our community. The Community Engagement Strategy ensures that we approach all our engagement activities consistently, especially for projects that need community input.
Workforce Plan
Workforce Plan(PDF, 2MB)
Council is a significant employer within the Bathurst Regional Local Government Area, employing 379 permanent staff members, and an extensive casual pool of employees. Skill shortages nation wide combined with Council’s regional location has resulted in Council experiencing difficulties in securing professional, technical and specialist staff across a range of Council occupations.
Council recognises the challenge to not only attract employees, but to retain those employees in an increasingly tight labour market. Therefore the Workforce Plan must be able to cater for employee’ needs at various stages of their life and career.
Our employees play a vital role in enabling Council to carry out its responsibilities on behalf of residents and ratepayers from the Bathurst Region. Council appreciates and is committed to developing a highly skilled and dedicated workforce. Developing a framework to reinforce this commitment, will enable Council to maintain a quality workforce into the future.