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A State of the Environment Report, or SoE, helps Council and the community to assess and track trends in the environment and to determine if certain aspects are improving or worsening.
The reports describe how Council, its' partners and the community are working together to achieve the Community Strategic Plans environmental objectives. The report examines trends in key environmental indicators under the themes of Atmosphere and Climate, Land, Water, Biodiversity, Towards Sustainability and People and Communities.
In addition to preparing its own SoE, Council also participates in the Greater Central West Regional State of the Environment Report. This enables Council to compare its activities on a regional basis with other local government areas and cities of similar size and demographics. It also facilitates better understanding of trends in the condition of environmental assets which transcend political boundaries.
State of the Environment Reports are presented in an easy to read format so that it is accessible to the wider community.
Copies of previous reports for the period 2005 to 2017 are available by contacting Council via email.