Arts OutWest Call Out!

Published on 03 March 2025


Did you live in Milltown or South Bathurst in the 1940s to 1970s? 


Did you live in the Milltown or South Bathurst area in the 1940s to the 1970s, or do you have a relative who did? 

Arts OutWest and Museums Bathurst are creating a new living history film work to celebrate the people of Milltown, their connection to place and communities of the past, through the lens of the present. 

Arts OutWest and Museums Bathurst invite you to join them at a Garden Party on Thursday 27 March, 11am-2pm at Chifley Home and Education Centre; they would love to hear your stories about the neighbourhood. 

  • What did you grow in your garden, cook and eat? 

  • Did you know the people in your street? 

  • Where did you work? 

  • What did you do for fun? 

Bathurst Mayor, Cr Robert Taylor, and Arts OutWest’s Kate Smith commented on the community value of this initiative and the importance of reminiscing and capturing our city’s past. 

“This project will ensure part of Bathurst’s recent history is remembered, captured and preserved. There are endless stories to discover, all of which paint a picture of the Bathurst of yesterday,” remarked Mayor Taylor. 

“If you love a good yarn, bring along a memento and members of your family - children welcome - to share your memories over morning tea,” said Arts OutWest’s Kate Smith. 

Local film maker Henry Simmons will be capturing the stories on film. 

When: 11am-2pm, 27 March 2025 
Where: Chifley Home and Education Centre, 10-12 Busby St, South Bathurst 

For more information or to RSVP, please contact: by 20 March. 


Media contact:  

Jo Dicken, Museums Bathurst. Ph: 02 6333 6522 /  

Maryanne Jaques, Arts OutWest Communications. Ph: 02 6338 4657 / 


Image:  Elizabeth Chifley in the garden at 10 Busby St/ Museums Bathurst. 


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