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Published on 29 October 2024
The NSW Electoral Commission (NSWEC) has set the date for Bathurst Regional Council’s Countback Election as Tuesday 26 November.
Bathurst Regional Council General Manager David Sherley has confirmed that no further voting is required; the process is conducted entirely by the NSWEC.
“There is no requirement for Bathurst residents to vote again. The existing ballot papers from September’s election will be used by the NSW Electoral Commission to complete the countback and fill Council’s vacancy” he said.
The key dates in the timeline are as follows:
Monday 11 November: Candidate applications open
Thursday 21 November, 12noon: Candidate applications close and roll closes
Monday 25 November, 10am: Eligible candidates declared
Tuesday, 26 November: Election Day; count starts at 10am, results published same day
For further information, please visit: