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Published on 14 January 2025
Bathurst Regional Council has been successful in receiving $4.2million of Federal Government funding to support the development of the Ngurang Arts Residency, formerly known as BARN. This has been awarded as part of the Government’s Growing Regions Program.
This funding supplements an initial $4.78milllion State Government grant that was allocated to the project in July 2022.
Announced this morning by the office of The Hon Catherine King MP, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, this second round of funding success gives merit to the future performing arts residency as an asset to the Bathurst community and the greater Central West.
Bathurst Mayor, Cr Robert Taylor, welcomes this grant allocation and is pleased that long-term value is recognised in the facility.
“This is excellent news for our community and a terrific announcement to receive so early in the year.
“It is rewarding for this project’s community value and its capacity to expand Regional NSW’s presence in the Australian arts scene to be acknowledged at this level.
“A report on the project and this additional funding will be presented to Council at the second meeting in February.
“Coupled with the original funding that was granted in 2022, Council will assess the scope of the project and what is feasible, moving forward, with the funds we now have available” he commented.
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