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Published on 18 September 2024
Council’s Strategic Planning Section is preparing the next update to the Bathurst Region Heritage Plan, which sets out the strategic priorities and actions for heritage management in the local government area over a four-year period.
General Manager David Sherley said the Plan guides heritage management within the Bathurst Region and also includes the protection and promotion of heritage and heritage matters across Council’s operations.
“Importantly, for Council to operate its Heritage Advisory service and for that service to be supported by a grant provided by Heritage NSW, Council must have an adopted Heritage Plan in place. The current plan covers the 2021-2025 period and is due to be updated in 2025.
“Council is seeking to survey a wide range of community members aiming to:
Gauge the community’s understanding of Council’s heritage management practices,
Gauge the community’s current values as they relate to heritage matters,
Understand the community’s opinion on heritage related challenges,
Discover how achievements of the Heritage Plan can be better shared with interested parties; as part of this heritage plan update,” Mr Sherley said.
The heritage plan update survey can be completed at YourSay Bathurst.
Submissions are open until 4 November 2024.