Lease agreements to be signed

Published on 23 July 2024

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Bathurst Regional Council has agreed to lease three of its properties including the former Ambulance Station in William Street. 

Mayor Cr Jess Jennings said Council considered a number of reports at its July meeting related to lease agreements for three properties, the former Ambulance Station, Kelso Community Hub and the former Pound site on Vale Road. 

“Council continually reviews its property portfolio and looks at opportunities to bring in new income sources, and I’m glad to say that councillors voted unanimously on all three leases because they are helping Council progress towards financial sustainability as well as benefiting our local community and economy when the new lessees move in and start operating.” 

“Last year we ran an expression of interest process to seek prospective tenants for the former Ambulance Station in William Street and from that Council has been in negotiations with Vivability who were interested in leasing the site. 

“We have now agreed to lease terms and will enter into a formal lease with Vivabilty for the site.  It is a win for Council and the community which will see this high-profile site re-activated by Vivability. 

“Council has also agreed to lease the former Pound site on Vale Road which has been vacant since the Bathurst Animal Rehoming Centre opened. Bathurst Excavations will take up a five-year licence agreement with Council for the site. 

“The third site Council is looking to lease is the Kelso Community Hub. Council will now continue discussions with Wahluu Health Aboriginal Corporation Bathurst to lease the Kelso Community Hub. 


“These leases, along with Council’s resolution to undertake an expression of interest process seeking to undertake a joint venture with Council for medium density residential development of land owned by Council in Coville Street, Windradyne, are part of Council’s commitment to looking at opportunities to improve our financial sustainability into the future,” Cr Jennings said. 


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