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Published on 14 March 2025
9 trees have been discovered to be vandalised in a carpark in Bathurst CBD.
Whilst attending to general mowing maintenance at the George Street Carpark behind the IGA shopping centre on the morning of 14 March, Council staff were confronted with the aftermath of significant, illegal vandalism that has been undertaken to each of the carpark’s maple trees.
It is likely that the unlawful action at the carpark occurred over the last two weeks.
After being planted by Council several years ago, these trees were finally reaching a maturity that was starting to provide shade and amenity benefits to this well-utilised community carpark site.
The vandalism that has been undertaken to all the trees within the George Street Carpark has resulted in their significant and permanent deformation, from which they will not be able to recover from.
Mayor Cr Robert Taylor noted that this illegal activity is abhorrent, with remediation being incredibly pricey and extensive.
“Council absolutely condemns this behaviour. These trees were over 15 years old and have now been destroyed in a cruel act of vandalism.
“What has been undertaken has been so substantial that regretfully these trees will need to be removed and replaced. Remediation works for this will cost in the tens of thousands of dollars.
“Council is seeking assistance from the community to learn who has carried out the destruction of these trees. If you have any information, please contact the Bathurst Police on (02) 6332 8699,” said Mayor Taylor.
Media contact: Genevieve Green Media and Communications Officer
P: 02 6333 6179 M: 0448 685 340 E: