What's News 7 March

Published on 07 March 2025


'Afternoon Melodies' at BMEC


In celebration of the NSW Seniors Festival, join us for an unforgettable afternoon of music that spans genres and lifts spirits! Afternoon Melodies brings together three unique and talented acts for an afternoon filled with swing, soulful blues, and captivating ukulele magic.


When: Thursday 13 March at 2:30pm 

All tickets $20 + a small booking fee.

Follow the link to purchase: bmec.com.au/whats-on/afternoon-melodies/


Dog Appointments Now Open at BARC


BARC has now finished their quarantine period and is open again for adoption appointments for both dogs and cats.


Two appointments will be available each weekday at 2pm and 3pm, and no additional appointments will be scheduled outside of these times until further notice. Walk-ins are not permitted.


Animals available for adoption can be found here: https://www.bathurst.nsw.gov.au/Services/Animals-for-Adoption

To book an appointment, call the team on (02) 6333 6190.


Free Mobility Scooter Workshop


Transport for NSW will be hosting a free mobility scooter workshop on Friday 14 March as part of Seniors Festival. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore various types of mobility aids, courtesy of Independent Living Specialists. Additionally, representatives from Transport for NSW will be available to address any questions regarding road safety for seniors.


Event details:

What: Free Mobility Scooter Workshop

When: 9am-12pm Friday 14 March 2025

Where: Bathurst Memorial Entertainment Centre, 105 William Street, Bathurst.

Booking Link: www.trybooking.com/CYNOG


Night Works on the Mitchell Highway Between Bathurst and Orange 


Transport for NSW is carrying out essential maintenance work on the Mitchell Highway between Bathurst and Orange.


Works will take place at multiple locations on the Mitchell Highway and will include:

• repair of flexible safety barriers in the centre of the road

• general maintenance as required

• pavement patching


These works will be carried out at night between 6pm and 5am from Sunday, 9 March and is expected to take five nights to complete, weather permitting.


Traffic impacts will include:

• Reduced speed limit to 40 km/h

• Single lane closures

• Intermittent stopping


For the latest traffic updates, call 132 701, or visit livetraffic.com or download the Live Traffic NSW App.


Temporary Road Closure - Mount Panorama - Bathurst Autofest


Mount Panorama Motor Racing Circuit will be closed between Murrays Corner and Hell Corner (Pit Straight) for Bathurst Autofest. Alternative access will be via Conrod Straight, entering from Panorama Avenue, while access to Boundary Road, Hinton Road and Panorama Avenue will be via the access road through CSU paddock. All enquiries regarding the event should be directed to Autofest Management on 0417 511 557.


Date & Duration:  Friday 7 March (3pm until 11pm), Saturday 8 March (7am until 11pm) and Sunday 9 March 2025 (7am until 6.30pm).


Temporary Road Closure - Ribbon Gang Lane


Council advises that Ribbon Gang Lane will be closed from Thursday 20 March 2025 for a period of approximately 12 weeks. During this time access will be maintained for pedestrians and adjacent properties. 

The temporary closure is for Scaffolding Works completed by DSL Construction with enquiries to be directed to 0400 096 505. 

Any inconvenience is regretted.


Seniors’ Morning Tea at Miss Traill’s House & Garden


Enjoy morning tea in Miss Traill’s garden to celebrate the NSW Seniors Festival. Walk through Miss Traill’s House and be amazed at the heritage collection of china, furniture and paintings. 


When: Friday 14 March 

Time: 10:15am-12pm

Where: 321 Russell St, Bathurst

Tickets: $12/person, available for purchase at Books Plus


For enquiries, contact the National Trust on 6332 4232.


Donations for Bathurst Animal Rehoming Centre 


Do you have towels and blankets that you would like to donate to BARC? 


Donations are always welcome to help our furry friends at the Bathurst Animal Rehoming Centre. If you would like to make a donation of goods, please deliver them to the friendly team at BARC, 58 Hampden Park Road, Kelso.


Bathurst Library Survey


Bathurst Library is seeking your feedback - whether you are a member of the library or not. 

Tell us what you want from your Library and go in the draw for prizes of up to $100!  


Your honest feedback will help identify what works well and what needs improvement. Results of the survey will help the library team develop the next Bathurst Library Strategic Plan.  


The survey is anonymous, and all questions are optional. Submissions will close on Monday 24 March 2025 at 11am.  

Have your say now via the link: https://yoursay.bathurst.nsw.gov.au/library-survey


Bathurst library is located at 70-78 Keppel Street in Bathurst, and is open Monday to Friday 10am to 6pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am to 3pm. Did you know that membership to Bathurst Library is free to all who are living, working or studying in the Bathurst LGA?


You can access the Online Library via the website, library.bathurst.nsw.gov.au and you can call on 6333 6281. You can also keep in touch via Facebook: facebook.com/BathurstLibrary


Applications Open | Bathurst Winter Festival Market Stalls 


Attention all market stall holders! Applications are now open for the 2025 Bathurst Winter Festival. Markets will feature at Kids Days, Accessibility Day, Brew & Bite and the Winter Wind Down.


Find all the info and apply here: https://www.bathurstwinterfestival.com.au/.../Market-Stalls


Seniors Festival Cultural Day


In celebration of Seniors Festival 2025, a Cultural Day will be held for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Seniors on Thursday 13 March 2025 at Flat Rock Picnic Area. 


The group will depart from the Bathurst Local Aboriginal Land Council at 10:00am and return to the Bathurst Local Aboriginal Land Council at approximately 3:00pm. 


For catering and transport purposes, bookings are essential by contacting Bathurst Regional Council on 02 6333 6523. 


To see the full Seniors Festival Program, please visit: https://www.bathurst.nsw.gov.au/Services/Supporting-Our-Community/Older-People/Seniors-Festival


Waste 2 Art Community Workshop


You are INVITED! 


Fiona Howle, our own local, brilliant and passionate artist, will be hosting a FREE Waste 2 Art workshop on creating works of art from old toys. Open to ages 6+, this is definitely an opportunity not to be missed.


Where: Bathurst Library

When Saturday 22 March

Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm


BYO broken toys you want to recycle. All other craft materials and tools will be provided.


For bookings and enquiries, contact Fiona Howle on 0424 549 907.


Road Closure | Hughes & Marsden Lane roundabout construction


Marsden Lane, between Ilumba Way and Sunbright Road will be temporarily closed to traffic until approximately 21 March 2025 for the construction of a roundabout.


Local resident access will be maintained.


For more information, call Hynash Constructions on 6332 4343.



Media contact: Genevieve Green Media and Communications Officer 

P: 02 6333 6179 M: 0448 685 340 E: genevieve.green@bathurst.nsw.gov.au

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