Australia Day

Next date: Sunday, 26 January 2025 | 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM

Australia Day
Australia Day
Reflect. Respect. Celebrate.

Each Australia Day, the community is encouraged to Reflect, Respect and Celebrate our nation and our people – especially our strong sense of community as we work towards reconnecting.

Australia Day is a time to recognise the resilience of all Australians and to focus on what we can achieve when we move forward as a community and a unified nation.

Australia Day means different things to different people, and everyone is encouraged to acknowledge Australia Day in a way that’s meaningful to them. We acknowledge the significant contribution that everyone makes to our nation, from First Nations people who have lived here for 65,000 years to our newest citizens who call Australia home.

Australia Day is an opportunity to celebrate our cultural diversity and rich migrant heritage, which is very much part of our unique Australian identity and has helped shape a nation proud of its strong and successful multiculturalism.

Regardless of our origins or our past, it’s a day for Australians from all backgrounds and communities to come together to share stories, embrace our diversity, and celebrate our unity.

We all belong, and we all contribute to this nation’s story and achievements.

Australia Day in Bathurst

Each year Bathurst Regional Council Reflect, Respect and Celebrate Australia Day with a number of community events and activities. New citizens in our community are welcomed at the annual Citizenship Ceremony and the Bathurst Australia Day Awards see members of the local community recognised for the contributions and achievements.

What's On

More information will be provided closer to the event.

Australia Day Ambassador

Our 2025 Australia Day Ambassador will be announced soon.

Australia Day Awards

Do you know of an exceptional individual in the Bathurst community who has contributed to the great city in which we live or know of an event that highlighted our community spirit? Here is your chance to recognise them.

Nominations are now open for the following:

  • Citizen of the Year Award
  • Living Legends
  • Youth Arts Award
  • Event of the Year Awards – destination, community and new

Find out more here


  • Sunday, 26 January 2025 | 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
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