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Proclamation Day acknowledges the anniversary of the day Bathurst was proclaimed a town by Governor Lachlan Macquarie in 1815 and commemorates past and present members of Bathurst who have contributed to shaping the town.
Join us at 10am on Sunday 5th May for the Official Proclamation Ceremony.
The event is held at the Macquarie River Flag Staff, the exact location that Governor Macquarie placed the European flag marking Bathurst as Australia’s first inland European settlement.
The Ceremony will be followed by light refreshments, and the community is encouraged to explore Bathurst’s rich history via the self-guided tours of the Delightful Spots trail.
Bicentennial Park Flag Staff, Lot 1, 1 Stanley Street, Bathurst, 2795, View Map
Lot 1, 1 Stanley Street , Bathurst 2795
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