
Building Certificates

A Building Certificate is a certificate issued by Council stating it will not make certain Orders or take certain action under the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 or the Local Government Act 1993, to have the building (covered by the certificate) demolished, altered, added to or rebuilt, or to take proceedings in relation to any encroachment by the building onto land under the control of Council, for a period of seven (7) years.

A certificate is usually applied for when selling a property or to cover circumstances where buildings have been constructed without consent.

Applicants need to be:

  • The owner(s) of the land on which the building is erected; or
  • Anyone having the owner(s) written consent; or
  • A solicitor or conveyancing agent acting for a purchaser or the owner; or
  • By a public authority that has notified the owner of its intention to apply for the certificate.

You can apply for a Building Information Certificate via the NSW Planning Portal.

A current survey report of the site which shows all improvements on the land must be attached to your application.


Flood Level Certificates

Outstanding Notices

An Outstanding Notice Certificate outlines whether any outstanding notices or orders have been issued by Council in respect of land within the Council's area.

An outstanding notice or order can be for a number of things including, an overgrown block, incomplete developments or perhaps illegal building works.

There are two different types of Outstanding Notice Certificates being:

Any person can apply to Council for an Outstanding Notice Certificate in respect of any land within the Council area.

Any person can apply for a Section 735A or Sectino 121SP Certificate by completing the Online Application Form 
The schedule of fees is included on the form.

Please note that a surcharge of 0.42% will be applicable from 1 April 2024 on all credit card payments. Refer to Merchant Fees for further information.




Section 10.7 Planning Certificates

A 10.7 Planning Certificate provides information on how land may be used. It also provides information on the development restrictions applying to the land.

The matters which must be contained in the Certificate are specified in Schedule 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.

There are three different Planning Certificates available:

  • 10.7 (2) Planning Certificate provides specific information and is a mandatory inclusion in a contract for the sale of land
  • 10.7 (2) Complying Development Planning Certificate only contains information as to whether or not complying development may be carried out under the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008, and if not, the reason why not
  • 10.7 (2) & (5) Planning Certificate provides the same specific information as 10.7 (2) plus such other information concerning the land that Council may be aware of. The extra information is provided in good faith, and the Council does not incur any liability for information provided

Any person can apply for a 10.7 Planning Certificate by completing the Online Application Form 
The schedule of fees is included on the form.

Please note that a surcharge of 0.42% will be applicable from 1 April 2024 on all credit card payments. Refer to Merchant Fees for further information.



Subdivision Certificates

The Subdivision Certificate authorises the registration of the plan of subdivision for lodgement with the NSW Land and Property Information. The plan is to be prepared by a registered surveyor.

A Subdivision Certificate, as provided for under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, certifies that the subdivision has been completed in accordance with the consent and any civil work has been completed in accordance with the Construction Certificate.

Prior to the lodgement of any application for Subdivision Certificate, the developer or applicant is to verify that all works required as part of the Development Consent have been completed, inspected and signed off by Council. This includes the lodgement and acceptance of any required Works as Executed Plans.

How do I apply for a Subdivision Certificate?

Applications for a Subdivision Certificate at made through the NSW Planning Portal

New Street Names

Roads created in new subdivisions must be named, unless the road forms part of an extension to an existing named road. The developers of the subdivision need to submit suggested road names to Council for consideration. You can find out about road naming by talking to one of Council's Development Control Planners on (02) 6333 6276.

If approval is given by Council, then notification of the new names is sent to the Geographical Names Board of NSW where the Surveyor General and or the Registrar General can also object to any road naming proposal.

The new road names are advertised in the local newspapers and placed on a 28 day exhibition period to give the general public an opportunity to comment. After exhibition and consideration of any objections received, the names are published in the NSW Government Gazette.

The NSW Geographical Names Board website provides further information on road naming guidelines.

New Street Numbers

In the town and village areas, street numbers are allocated by Council at the time new residential allotments are created by a plan of subdivision.

In the rural areas, a rural addressing system is used, which is based on a measurement from the property entrance point to the closest significant road intersection.