Department of Planning Reporting

Regional Planning Panel

Regional Planning Panel

Regional Planning Panels (RPP) are responsible for making decisions on regionally significant development applications. In operation since July 2009, they are independent decision making bodies not subject to the direction of the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure (the Minister).

Members of the RPP are appointed by the Minister and contain a mixture of Government and Council appointees. Further detail about its operating procedures may be obtained from the RPP website.

Development Applications are lodged with Council who undertake all assessment and notification procedures and prepare a report for consideration by the RPP for determination.


Clause 4.6 Variations

Clause 4.6 Variations

Council is required to maintain a publicly available register of development applications determined with variation in standards under either State Environmental Planning Policy No 1 - Development Standards, or Clause 4.6 of the Bathurst Regional LEP 2014.

The register is updated quarterly and is available for download below:

SEPP 1/Clause 4.6 Register - 1 April 2008 to 31 October 2023(PDF, 113KB)


Disclosure of Political Gifts

Disclosure of Political Gifts

Register of disclosure of reportable political donations to Councillors

The Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 requires public disclosure of donations and gifts when lodging or commenting on development proposals.

Further information is available from the Department of Planning website.

Disclosure Statement of Political Donations and Gifts form.