How do I know if I am Bushfire Prone?
A bush fire prone area is an area of land that can support a bush fire or is likely to be subject to bush fire attack. Bush fire prone areas are generally identified on Councils bush fire prone land map. The map identifies bush fire hazards and associated buffer zones within the Bathurst Regional Council local government area.
The bush fire prone land map was prepared by Council and is certified by the Commissioner of the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS).
New development on areas identified as bush fire prone are subject to the development and planning controls of 'Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2019' and must be designed to improve the survivability of the development and the occupants that are exposed to a bush fire hazard.
It should be noted that areas that are not mapped may still be subject to bushfires. Whilst land may not be mapped adequate measures should be put in place to protect assets.
Planning for Bush Fire Protection
This document provides the necessary planning considerations when developing areas for residential use in residential, rural residential, rural and urban areas when development sites are in close proximity to areas likely to be affected by bushfire events.
Single Dwelling Application Kit(PDF, 9MB)
This document has been designed for owner/builders as well as architects, building designers and draft persons who wish to submit plans for building in a bush fire prone area. This document has been designed to support you, and provide you with a process to follow that will assist you to meet the current requirements for bush fire protection.