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Council rehomes cats and dogs from the Bathurst Animal Rehoming Centre. If you see a cat or dog you like, you are welcome to enquire about the purchase of that animal. These animals are looking for their forever homes, can you help...
Find out all your need to know about owning a pet in the Bathurst Region or if you are looking to adopt we can help. Council have many pets looking for a place to call home.
Are you looking for a specific form, use the search to find what you are looking for...
Find out what Community facilities are available in our region for members of a community to gather for recreational, educational, artistic, social or cultural activities.
Information for residents of the Bathurst Region.
Information about roads, traffic and parking within the Bathurst region.
Community services offer support to the public. The support may be information, advice, practical help, financial help or a combination of services.
Our goal for waste and recylcing in our region is to reduce the impact of waste on the environment, to protect our air, waterways, land and health of the community.
Water is one of our most valuable natural assets. We have a responsibility to our community to ensure we have an equitable and transparent approach to the management of our water now and for future generations.
Useful contact links to services used within the Bathurst Region.
Wastewater is water generated after the use of freshwater, raw water, drinking water or saline water in a variety of deliberate applications or processes.
To provide an update on infrastructure projects underway