Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries

In Bathurst, you'll find several wonderful and historic parks and gardens featuring a wide variety of native and exotic plant species. Whatever the season there is always something special to see. Bathurst Regional Council provides approximately 30 playgrounds for children of all ages to enjoy. Our Adventure Playground in Durham Street is certainly a highlight and well worth a visit. Whether you’re living in Bathurst or simply visiting there are lots of great playgrounds for children to enjoy.

Bathurst's sporting facilities are well known throughout the region and beyond. Sportsgrounds are available for use by associations, schools, community groups and individuals. Please note that use of Club House facilities will only be available after negotiation with the Tenant Club, User Group and Council’s Recreation Section.

Rural Cemeteries

Council considered a report on 17 July 2024 regarding the operation of the cemeteries in the villages in the local government area (LGA). 

Under the Cemetery and Crematoria Act and regulation, Council will now be considered as the cemetery operator for the rural cemeteries that remain open. This has passed on several mandatory regulatory requirements onto Council. Council has never provided the resources to manage or maintain rural cemeteries other than Georges Plains General Cemetery which Evans Shire Council purchased prior the amalgamation with Bathurst City Council.  The report also detailed the State Government’s decision to introduce the NSW Cemetery Internment Levy and the impact of this on the operation of the rural cemeteries. 

Most rural cemeteries within the Bathurst Region were originally established on private land owned and managed by church groups under trust arrangement and or the state government on crown lands.  

Council does not have any formal burial records or layout plans from any of its rural cemeteries.  Due to the age of these cemeteries, it has been identified that there are a significant amount of burials that are not able to be located because memorialisations or other surface markers no longer exist.  This poses significant concerns identifying opportunities for new grave plot reservations.  

From 1 October 2024 when changes to the Act and regulations come into force, Council will not be compliant with many of the regulatory requirements now placed on it. 

There are six rural cemeteries in the LGA where Council is responsible for burial reservation applications. These are 

As a result Council made a number of decisions regarding the six rural cemeteries at its Ordinary meeting held 17 July 2024. 

They are:

  • Commence consultation with village groups concerning the recommended closure of selected rural cemeteries within the Bathurst Region for future reservations,
  • To temporarily suspend further new reservations at the rural cemeteries until Council determines an outcome following public consultation,  
  • Report back to Council following public consultation 

It is important to note the cemeteries are not being closed with no access by the community. What is being impacted is future grave plot reservations. 

All existing burial reservations made at the rural cemeteries will remain. They are not impacted by the Council decision. 

The Council report can be read at Council Meetings as part of the 17 July Council meeting agenda.  

Council has not finalised the timeline for consultation with the villages, but it is expected to occur later this year. 


Bookings and Venue Hire

Should you wish to hire Council facilities or request a street banner to be displayed please fill out the appropriate form below and return to Council's Parks and Recreation Section, Civic Centre, 158 Russell Street, Bathurst or contact contact Council's Recreation Section on (02) 6333 6285 to check availability.


Application for Sporting Field Hire (Seasonal Use)(PDF, 202KB)
Application for Sporting Field Hire (Casual One Off Use)(PDF, 186KB)
Local Approval - Section 68 and Roads Act(PDF, 206KB)
Alcohol Free Area Exemption Permit Form

If you require any of the following please fill out the enquiry form and an Officer of Council will attend to your enquiry.

  • Application to open Fernery in Machattie Park for Photographs
  •  Application for Lamp Stand Banner Flag Hire
  •  Application for Banner Hire - William Street, Bathurst
  •  Application to Hold a Wedding, Christening, Birthday Party or Commercial Activity on Council land/facility
  • Application to conduct commercial coaching clinic / academy training session at sportsgrounds or park facilities
  • Application to conduct regular commercial sport / fitness / bootcamp activities at sportsgrounds or park facilities

There are a variety of facilities in the Bathurst Region that are available for hire.  In an attempt to assist interested persons in finding the right facility for their use, a list of facilities is attached below.

It should be noted that you should make your own enquiries as the availability of the facility and that the information provided may not be complete.  Should you know of any other facility that should be included on the list or require the information to be updated, please contact Council on (02) 6333 6523

List of Venues/Facilities for Hire(PDF, 170KB)

Community Directory


Alcohol Free Areas

Alcohol-Free Zones

Council established alcohol-free zones in Bathurst Regional Council CBD in 2004, re-establishing these zones in 2008, 2011, 2015, 2019 to 2023.  The current alcohol-free zones are in force from 1 November 2023 due to expire 31 October 2027. 

The map of the Alcohol-Free Zones and Areas in Bathurst CBD can be accessed here...(PDF, 819KB)

Alcohol-Free Areas
Council has endorsed alcohol-free areas of Machattie Park, Kings Parade and Macquarie River Bicentennial Park.  Council has adopted an alcohol-free area exemption policy which outlines the process in gaining exemption to the twenty-four hour alcohol-free area for specific events.
The exemption will apply to special, irregular occasions including community events such as festivals or gatherings and small private events such as weddings or other family celebrations.
A fee will apply to each exemption application. The fee and completed permit application must be validated by Bathurst Regional Council prior to each event.
A copy of the policy and exemption permit is available below or by calling into Council offices at the corner of Russell and William Streets. Forms are also available at the Visitor Information Centre.

Further information may be obtained by contacting the Cultural & Community Services Department on 6333 6523, during business hours.

Alcohol Free Area Exemption Policy(PDF, 10KB)
Alcohol Free Area Permit



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