Mitre & Howick St roundabout

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Bathurst Regional Council recently received Federal Government ‘Black Spot’ grant funding to improve the safety of the Mitre & Howick Streets roundabout. 

The funding of $445,000 will address the following proposed reconstruction works:

  • Removal and replacement of the existing centre island apron with a larger apron. The central landscaped part of the centre island will remain unchanged.  
  • Removal and reconstruction of all existing splitter islands to remove slip lanes and increase pedestrian refuge space at crossings.
  • The centre island apron and splitter island reconstruction works include level adjustments to improve drainage and road pavement crossfall.  
  • Milling of existing road surface and placement of new asphalt to match the new larger centre island and road pavement alignment/levels and provide a smooth and high grip driving surface.
  • New line marking and signage relocation to suit the new roundabout geometry.

Works commenced on Tuesday 15 October 2024, with a full closure of the roundabout for the first three weeks of the initial reconstruction work.

Residential driveways adjacent to the work site will remain accessible.

In total, the works are expected to take 6 -10 weeks with completion anticipated by Friday 20 December 2024.

Following the initial 3-week full road closure, the road will be reopened to traffic in accordance with traffic control conditions while the remainder of the works are completed.

6 November update:

The Mitre & Howick Street roundabout remains under construction, but has now re-opened to traffic. To date the construction changes to the centre island, centre median islands and pedestrian access ramps have been completed and construction crews have commenced the installation of the kerbside approach islands which will be installed on all four road approaches to the roundabout.
Traffic control will be in place during the next 2-3 weeks while construction teams continue to undertake the construction of the additional concrete kerb islands to finalise the project work.
With continued favourable weather, it is forecast that all works will be wrapped up by the end of November including the final line marking touches to all road approaches of the newly reconstructed roundabout.
Council thanks both residents and motorists for their patience with the changes which provide improved safety benefits for the community.
The 3-week total road closure of Mitre & Howick Streets , along with the favourable weather conditions allowed Council to accelerate works across the closure period.


19 November update:

The final two kerb islands are being constructed this week and the final concrete pour will occur on Wednesday. Line marking will follow on Thursday with thermos-plastic line marking on all four road approaches to the roundabout.
Works are on track to be completed on Thursday afternoon.


21 November update:

Works have on the roundabout have been completed, concluding the project 4 weeks ahead of the anticipated date of 20 December 2024.


For more information contact Council on 6333 6100.