Ratepayer vouchers

Waste vouchers

Council provides ratepayers with four mixed refuse vouchers and four green waste vouchers with each annual rate assessment. A maximum of four vouchers (600Kg) can be used in any one transaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much can I take to the Waste Management Centre with the mixed refuse voucher?

The mixed refuse voucher entitles the holder, if eligible, to take two loads of up to 200kg and two loads up to 100kg of their domestic rubbish to Bathurst Regional Council Waste Management Centre. The gate price will apply to any excess weight over the voucher presented.


How much can I take to the Waste Management Centre with the green waste voucher?

The green waste voucher entitles the holder, if eligible, to take two loads of up to 200kg and two loads up to 100kg of their domestic green waste (lawn and garden clippings) to Bathurst Regional Council Waste Management Centre. The gate price will apply to any excess weight over the voucher presented.


How will I receive the vouchers?

The waste vouchers will be included in the July rates notice mailout along with the new Museum Bathurst vouchers.

What if I rent my property how can I access the vouchers?

Council will be sending information to real-estate agents and other housing providers in Bathurst to inform them of the new voucher scheme and encouraging them to pass the vouchers onto their tenants.  We would encourage you to contact your property manager to request the vouchers.  Council is unable to provide the vouchers directly to individuals that do not own the property. 


How long are the vouchers valid for?

Vouchers expire at the end of the financial year they are issued in.


What happens if I lose my waste vouchers?

This year, a QR code has been attached to each voucher to ensure better traceability within the Council system.

Now, if you lose or misplace your vouchers, the new system can identify how many vouchers have been used and replace the ones that haven’t. Simply identify your property to Council administration staff and the misplaced vouchers will be printed out for you.


Museum Vouchers

Over the past few years’ Museum Bathurst have developed a number of public programs targeting locals that includes Father’s Day at National Motor Racing Museum, Family Day at the Australian Fossil and Mineral Museum and Selfie Day at all the museums in January.  The new museum vouchers are the next step in engaging and thanking the Bathurst community for supporting our world class museums.  It is hoped that by providing a free adult vouchers locals will embrace this opportunity by taking their family and friends to discover our stories and marvel in the objects that are contained within our museums.  We would love our community to become our champions be proud of what we have to offer and encourage others to visit all our museums.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which museums are covered by the vouchers?

Vouchers are redeemable at the following museums:

  • National Motor Racing Museum
  • Australian Fossil and Mineral Museum
  • Chifley Home
  • Bathurst Rail Museum


Who is the free entry applicable for?

The vouchers provide free entry for 1 person at each of the Museum Bathurst sites. This covers adult, concession, or child entry. It is your choice as to who uses the voucher. The voucher must be surrendered on entry.


How does the 10% discount off accompanying visitors work?

Council would like to encourage locals to bring their family and friends through all of our museums.  The 10% discount applies to the normal entry fee for individuals who accompany the voucher holder.  There is no limit to the number of people providing they visit at the same time as the voucher is being redeemed.  The more the merrier!

No other discount applies. 

How does the 10% retail discount at the museums retail work?

The 10% retail discount voucher applies to each museum outlet and is redeemable for one (1) transaction.  One transaction may include multiple items.  The voucher must be surrendered when redeeming.

Do I have to redeem the 10% retail discount at the same time as the entry voucher?

No.  You can choose to use the retail discount at any time.  You may wish to use it to purchase gifts for special occasions or to assist at Christmas shopping time.  


Can I use the 10% retail discount towards the purchase of museum memberships?

No.  The retail discount only applies for items contained within the retail outlet at each of the museums. The retail discounts are not transferable eg you can’t use the four discounts at just one of the museums.


Can I use the 10% retail discount at the Refreshment Room Café at the Bathurst Rail Museum?

No.  The Refreshment Room Café at the Bathurst Rail Museum is leased and operated by an external party.


How will I receive the vouchers?

The Museum Bathurst vouchers will be included in the July 2024 rates notice mailout along with residence annual Waste Management Centre vouchers.


What are the terms and conditions attached to the vouchers?

The terms and conditions are printed on the voucher sheet.

  1. Voucher must be surrendered when redeeming.
  2. Voucher is only for general entry to the museum during regular museum operating hours, and cannot be used for events and public programs
  3. Vouchers are not redeemable for cash, cannot be exchanged or refunded and are non-transferable
  4. Vouchers cannot be re-issued
  5. Vouchers are valid until 31 July 2025


What if I rent my property how can I access the vouchers?

Council will be sending information to real-estate agents and other housing providers in Bathurst to inform them of the new voucher scheme and encouraging them to pass the vouchers onto their tenants.  We would encourage you to contact your property manager to request the vouchers.  Council is unable to provide the vouchers directly to individuals that do not own the property. 


What happens if I lose my vouchers can I request replacement?

No. As per the Terms & Conditions outlined on the vouchers cannot be re-issued.


How long are the vouchers valid for?

Vouchers are valid until 31 July 2025


Is this a one off or will Council be offering this into the future?

Council is trialling the museum voucher initiative for the 2024/25 financial year. A decision will be made by Council as to the continuation of the initiative into the future based on the community take up. Council will inform the community prior to the 2025/26 financial year.