
To ensure that there is adequate parking for customers and visitors to Bathurst, the majority of the Central Business District (CBD) has enforced time restrictions. Parking zones are now being monitored by a new mobile parking patrol technology called licence plate recognition (LPR), which was introduced in March 2014.
Those who park correctly and within the time limits may not notice the change. Parking Rangers will still be visually checking for vehicles with authorised parking permits as was conducted previously but the main difference is the move away from manually chalk marking the tyres. However, vehicle tyres may still be marked by Council Rangers.
For more information about the mobile parking patrol and licence plate recognition click here for frequently asked questions(PDF, 210KB) .
To improve the efficiency of parking patrols and to reduce confusion, some of the time restrictions in the CBD changed in early 2014 so as to be more consistent. For the most part, the time allowed in a particular location stays the same though with some time restrictions increasing and some decreasing. To be sure, always check the parking signs when parking in a particular location.
For a Bathurst CBD Parking Guide Map, click here...(PDF, 102KB)
For a guide to the location of Mobility Parking Scheme Spaces in the CBD, click here...(PDF, 824KB)
Note: Frequent reviews and improvements of the CBD parking strategy are being undertaken by the Traffic Committee. Please direct inquiries to parking Rangers by telephone 63336211 for the latest parking restriction changes.
Loading Zones: Vehicles primarily designed to carry goods can stop in a loading zone to drop off or pick up goods. Goods do not include personal items or shopping. For more information click here.
No Stopping Zones: For safety reason stopping in these zones is not permitted at any time. For more information click here.
No Parking Zones: Allow for vehicles to briefly stop and drop off passengers or goods (for no more than 2 minutes). The driver must stay with the vehicle (within 3 m) at all times. For more information click here.
Mobility Parking Scheme (Disabled Permit): Permits must be fixed to the window and displayed at all times when parked in a marked zone. For more information click here.
Timed car parks: There are several timed car parks in the CBD, generally associated with shopping centres. The time restrictions allow a driver to park within the car park for a certain length of time. Moving from one car space to another does not extend or reset the time limit - the vehicle must leave the car park entirely in order to gain additional time.
Parking on nature strips or footpaths: For safety reasons parking on nature strips or footpaths is not allowed. For more information click here.
Fines (Penalty Infringement Notices): All fine amounts or 'PINS' are set by the NSW Government. All PINs issued by Council are sent to Revenue NSW for processing. The revenue Council receives from PINs goes directly back to covering the costs associated with parking patrols, with a small amount paid to Revenue NSW for processing fees.
How to pay fines (PINs): If you have received a Penalty Infringement Notice for a parking or other offence, payment must be made to Revenue NSW. Should you wish to plead leniency on a matter, or feel that the PIN was issued in error, you must make your case by contacting Revenue NSW on 1300 130 112 or by visiting For more information about PINs please download brochure here.(PDF, 1000KB)
Please refer to the Australian Road Rules 2014 regulation or updated legislation in force for more detailed information, available at the following website
More information about general NSW road and parking rules can be found on the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) website, The Road Users' Handbook explains the main rules which apply to all road users and must be read and understood if you want to hold a driver licence in NSW.