Kate Bolt

Kate Bolt
Little Penguin’s FDC

Year registered: 2020
Local Government Area: Eglinton, Bathurst
Operational Days: Monday to Thursday

Kate has completed a Diploma in Children Services (Early Childhood Education and Care) has been working in Early Childhood Education for 15 years.

Kate believes children learn best in a calm, nurturing environment where they are free to explore endlessly and where she can be there to scaffold their learning when required. Kate strives to provide all children with the guidance and tools for them to succeed in their world. She is passionate about play based learning as she believes that children are more engaged when they have control of their experiences. Kate strives to provide environments that are full of wonder, exploration and discovery while respecting our natural world. Kate respects our Indigenous culture and aims to imbed Aboriginal perspectives within her daily routines and experiences.

Webpage: https://www.facebook.com/littlepenguinsfdc 

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