Car Parts Cars have a huge number of components, many of which can be recycled. Talk to a local second hand car yard or take them to the Council facility, listed below, to maximise material reuse. No car parts should ever be placed in domestic bins. The Waste Management Centre accepts car parts if a recycle option is not found.
Cardboard (Non Waxed) Cardboard can be placed into your yellow lidded recycling bin for recycling. Boxes should be collapsed to maximise room in your yellow lidded recycling bin. Overflow of cardboard can be placed into the lime green lidded food and green waste bin. All paper and cardboard can be taken to the Waste Management Centre for recycling.
Cardboard (Waxed and/or foil lined) Waxed cardboard such as long life milk containers cannot be recycled through the yellow lidded kerbside bin. Many of these materials can be recycled through the Container Deposit Scheme others will need to be placed into your red lidded waste bin where they will be sent to landfill.
Carpet Small amounts of carpet can be placed into your red lidded waste bin.Larger quantities of carpet can be taken to the Waste Management Centre.
Cellophane Cellophane cannot be recycled and must be placed into your red lidded waste bin.Cellophane can be placed in the RedCycle for soft plastics recycling.
Ceramics Ceramics including garden pots and dinner plates can not be recycled and should be placed into your red lidded waste bin.
Chemical Drums & Containers All drums must be booking into the Waste Management Centre for disposal, for further details use the link to visit the Waste Management Centre.
Chemicals Council holds a chemical clean out day, normally held the second part of the year. Alternatively agricultural chemicals can be collected by ChemClear 1800 008 182 or empty drums can be taken to the Waste Management Centre, click link for details.
Cling Wrap Cling wrap and other soft plastics can be dropped off at your local supermarket that participates in the REDcycle Program, a supermarket-based recycling program that encourages consumers to take their empty bread, cereal and frozen food bags, plastic / reusable shopping bags and other flexible plastic packaging to their local supermarket’s drop off point.
Clothing & Textiles Clothing and textiles can take a lot of effort and resources to create and sending them to landfill means losing valuable resources. If clothing is still in good condition consider donating to a local charity, swapping with friends or even selling online.Clothing and textiles can be recycled through the special drop-off point at the Bathurst Waste Management Centre (charges apply).
Coffee Cups Coffee cups (either polystyrene or paper with a plastic coating) cannot be recycled.The only way to dispose of this growing waste item is in the red lidded waste bin, which goes to landfill. For this reason, it's important to buy and use a reusable coffee cup if possible.
Coffee Pods Coffee pods are one of the fastest growing waste streams and should be placed in the red lidded waste bin.
Concrete Concrete can be disposed of at the Waste Management Centre, located on College Rd, South Bathurst. Charges apply.Tel: (02) 6332 9111 Concrete should never be placed in the red lidded waste bin.