Council Information
Council is committed to assisting the community to access government information in accordance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA). Our Public Access to Information Policy(PDF, 64KB) outlines Council's commitment to openness and transparency regarding accessing Council information. Further to this the Publication Guide(PDF, 300KB) describes what information is held, how it can be accessed, exemptions and rights to review.
Council receives many requests for copies of house plans. Please note that under the Copyright Act 1968, the person who created “artistic” work which includes the drawing of architectural plans for domestic dwellings, is the owner of the “work”. This means that as the owner of these plans, only the architect, draftsman or builder who drew the plans may license those plans to be copied and reproduced. The federal Copyright Act prevents councils from copying, publishing or distributing copyright plans or consultants’ reports without permission from the author.
In the instances where copyright consent is not able to be provided Council will comply with its obligations under the GIPA Act and the Copyright Act by providing ‘view only‘ access to documents.
How Do I apply?
Complete an application form and pay the statutory Formal Access Application fee of $30.
By post - Private Bag 17, Bathurst 2795
Attach a cheque for the application fee. Application to access personal information also requires a certified copy of an identification document.
In person - 158 Russell Street, Bathurst. Payment can be made by cheque, cash or credit card. Applications to access personal information also require an original identification document.
Open Access Information
Council provides the following information free of charge either on this website or by contacting Council on (02) 6333 6111 or
Governance and Transparency
Bathurst Regional Council (Council) holds a variety of information that is made available to the community under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).
Under the GIPA Act, when deciding whether or not to release information, Council must consider whether there is an overriding public interest against releasing the information.
Section 6(5) of the GIPA Act requires Council to keep a record of Open Access Information which it does not make publicly available on the basis of an overriding public interest against disclosure (OPIAD).
This record will only indicate the general nature of the information concerned.
- Personal information contained in records received in relation to a proposed development, is deleted to ensure compliance with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. This information is deleted to enable the remainder of the record to be released as permitted by s6(4) of the GIPA Act and in accordance with Open Access requirements.
- Principal place of residence, bank account information and signatures contained in Returns of Interests of councillors and designated persons, are redacted to enable the remainder of the record to be released as permitted by s6(4) of the GIPA Act and in accordance with Open Access requirements.
- Submissions received on Development Applications are not made available on Council's website due to an overriding public interest against disclosure of personal information. Submissions can be accessed by submitting an Informal request for Access to Information using Council's Online Services.
GIPA Disclosure Log
A Disclosure Log is a record containing details of Government information already released under Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act). A Disclosure Log is part of the open access information that Cowra Council is required to make publicly available.
Disclosure Logs provide access to information for people who want the same or similar information as previous applicants and would otherwise have to make formal access applications. A Disclosure Log also helps Council to identify information that could be proactively released.
Bathurst Regional Council Disclosure Log (2023-24)(PDF, 195KB)