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Alcohol Free Area Exemption Policy(PDF, 95KB)
Code of Conduct(PDF, 309KB)
Code of Conduct - Procedure for the Administration of the Model Code of Conduct(PDF, 271KB)
Code of Meeting Practice(PDF, 394KB)
Community Engagement Strategy(PDF, 350KB)
Community Services - Part Government Funded(PDF, 110KB)
Corporate Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Policy(PDF, 191KB)
Council Developments Conflict of Interest(PDF, 121KB)
Council Staged Events - Recycling Services(PDF, 94KB)
Dangerous and Menacing Dogs(PDF, 3MB)
Deputations(PDF, 94KB)
Development and Management of Policies(PDF, 485KB)
Donations - Section 356(PDF, 158KB)
Email and Internet(PDF, 154KB)
Family Day Care Service - Educator Advances(PDF, 46KB)
Finance - Borrowing(PDF, 141KB)
Finance - Investment of Surplus Funds(PDF, 171KB)
Finance - Significant Accounting Policies - Consolidation of Financial Statements(PDF, 51KB)
Financial Statements - Related Party Disclosures(PDF, 2MB)
Flea Markets - Kings Parade(PDF, 103KB)
Floodplain - Macquarie River Restoration(PDF, 73KB)
Floodplain Management(PDF, 4MB)
Friendship Agreement - Gwangju Council, Korea(PDF, 1MB)
Gathering Information(PDF, 106KB)
Gifts and Benefits(PDF, 149KB)
Governance - Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities for Councillors(PDF, 552KB)
Hardship Rate Relief(PDF, 102KB)
Insurance - Public Liability - Ex-gratia Payments(PDF, 105KB)
Insurance - Public Liability Insurance(PDF, 127KB)
Jordan Creek - Easement(PDF, 72KB)
Kerb and Gutter - Footpath Construction(PDF, 76KB)
Kerb and Guttering - Extensions to Driveways when Reconstructing Sections of Roads(PDF, 75KB)
Land - Sales(PDF, 138KB)
Local Ethnic Affairs Priorities Statement (LEAPS)(PDF, 145KB)
Local Government Elections Caretaker Period Policy(PDF, 160KB)
Media(PDF, 114KB)
Membership of Shires Association(PDF, 86KB)
Mobile Devices(PDF, 142KB)
Motor Vehicle(PDF, 144KB)
Motor Vehicle Lease(PDF, 172KB)
Mount Panorama - Operations(PDF, 117KB)
Mount Panorama - Overtrack Signs(PDF, 93KB)
Mount Panorama - Sale of Peter Brock Tribute Photos(PDF, 98KB)
Mount Panorama - Stallholders(PDF, 94KB)
Mount Panorama Motor Racing Circuit - Resident Access - Full Track Hire(PDF, 310KB)
Naming of Council Facilities(PDF, 105KB)
National Framework for women in Local Government(PDF, 102KB)
Nuclear Waste(PDF, 92KB)
No Smoking - Playgrounds, Public Swimming Pools and Sporting Venues(PDF, 75KB)
Power of Attorney(PDF, 120KB)
Proclamation - New Bathurst Regional Council(PDF, 3MB)
Protected Interest Disclosures (PID)(PDF, 277KB)
Public Access to Information(PDF, 126KB)
Public Wi-Fi acceptable use policy(PDF, 128KB)
Purchasing - Acquisition of Goods and Services(PDF, 113KB)
Rates - Accumulation of Rates by Aged Pensioners and Rebates(PDF, 100KB)
Rates - Disconnection of Consumers from Non-payment of Water Accounts(PDF, 90KB)
Rates - Recovery of Rates and Charges(PDF, 105KB)
Records and Information Management Policy(PDF, 125KB)
Refugee Welcome Zone(PDF, 314KB)
Roads - Access Over Open Channels on Road Reserves(PDF, 73KB)
Roads - Permission to Use(PDF, 73KB)
Roads - Road Reconstruction - Parking Bays(PDF, 74KB)
Roadside Tributes(PDF, 97KB)
Sewer - Levying of Annual Charges for Sewerage Services(PDF, 95KB)
Sewer Blocks - Review of Payment to Private Persons for Sewer Blocks in Council Mains(PDF, 75KB)
Sister City Agreement - Friendship relationship with Zhang Jia Kou of Hebei Province China(PDF, 325KB)
Sister City Agreement - Ohkuma(PDF, 300KB)
Social Media Policy(PDF, 126KB)
Sponsorship(PDF, 146KB)
Sporting Fields - Temporary Goal Posts on Council Playing Fields(PDF, 58KB)
Staff - Christmas Office Closure(PDF, 93KB)
Staff - Designated Persons Disclosing Interests(PDF, 125KB)
Staff - Organisation Structure(PDF, 90KB)
Staff - Provision of Information and Interaction between Councillors and Staff(PDF, 496KB)
Staff - Reimbursement of Travelling and Other Expenses(PDF, 94KB)
Staff - Work Health and Safety(PDF, 127KB)
Television and Film Production Shoots(PDF, 70KB)
Temporary Weir on the Macquarie River(PDF, 62KB)
Transport - Corridor over the Blue Mountains(PDF, 163KB)
Trade Waste Policy(PDF, 477KB)
Vandalism(PDF, 93KB)
Vegetation and Signage for Roundabouts with Plan(PDF, 244KB)
Walkways - Strategy for Walkway Requirement and Closures(PDF, 60KB)
Waste Management - Domestic Collection Service(PDF, 60KB)
Water - Levying of Water Rates(PDF, 77KB)
Water - Winburndale Line(PDF, 120KB)
Water Supply - Minimum Pressure Standards(PDF, 59KB)